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RYLA First Impressions and Leadership
How do we infinitely make first impressions and lead with creativity?

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UniSA Strengths and Storytelling
How do we move through our experiences?
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Chartered Accountants ANZ
How do we increase trust, accountability and resilience in our team?

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UoA shapes of creativity and innovation
How do the physical interactions of problem solving shape our creativity?

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UniSA Relationships in motion
How do you playfully reveal hidden qualities in yourself, objects, relationships and environment?
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Group Class
Body Surfaces
What surfaces of your body are invisible to you?
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Sharp Minds Post-Retirement
How can we grow young in our minds through our bodies?

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Models of Playful Connection
How do facilitators, teachers or leaders inspire connection between those they serve?

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Group Class
Old School Meets New School
What are the fundamentals of coordination and strength?
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Strictness becomes Playfulness
How do we bridge the worlds of individual strictness and playful partnering?

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Creativity in Leadership and Teamwork
How can we creatively reveal hidden value in our leadership and teamwork?

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Restorative Movement: Walking with Ease
Restorative workshop that looks at rhythm, coordination, controlled joint articulation and ground work
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Group Class
Learning Fast and Slow
How can we learn slow in order to be able to learn faster?
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Group Class
Low, Small and Flying Under the Radar
What can we learn from practicing in low positions and small, subtle situations?

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Creativity and Evolution
How do our different types of interactions with the world shape our creative mind?

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Parkour Puzzles
What are the fundamental principles of interacting with our environment?

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Group Class
Work, Fun and Learning
Training can be hard work, fun and laughter, learning and confusion... what is you bias?

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Moving beyond Gymnastics
How can physical gymnastics extend into interactions, objects and our environment?

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Group Class
The Zone
What if flow states and portions of space are both zones?

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Group Class
Tangled and chaotic situations lie within... how will you respond?

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Creativity with 7 Moving Blocks
With few materials, endless opportunities for physical problem solving await?

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Group Class
What if we consider catching of objects, attention, concepts as all the same thing!?!

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Group Class
Precision and Behind Space
How can we bring what is behind us into perception? What if precision bodies craft precision minds?

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Group Class
Tension and Expansion
We are often so tense, what happens if we expand?

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Exploration of Playful Touch
Touch is the ultimate human communication, how can have more fun playing in a safe way?

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Creativity for Leadership
What if small moments of creativity grow into big moments of group interactions?

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Embodiment of Ripples
Ripples of waves, bodies and relations are ripe for physical exploration?

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Communication for Scientific Teams
How can we improve performance of multi-discipline teams through embodied shared understanding of concepts?

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Exploration of concept of Infinity
Infinity is a shape and concept that goes deeper than mathematics?

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Planning for Scientific Teams
What if planning is an ecological landscape of physical conditions that we tackle together, one small step at a time?

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Communication for Software Engineering Students
How can our software engineering teams build trust and mutual awareness?

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Exploration of concept of Pendulum
An investigation of swinging pendulums in our bodies and interactions

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Moving Mindfulness and Self Awareness
What if mindfulness of our interactions, in motion, could build our self awareness?