move with curiousity

Curious to Explore
Moving Puzzles values curiosity and exploring our world with freedom of action and thinking beyond traditional boundaries.
Become an artisan of life.
Explore unexpected paths.
Discover novel relationships.
Draw maps of your landscape.
Create games for yourself.
Reinvent stale thinking.
Break free of unwritten rules.
Connect deeply.
Wellbeing: a Moving Puzzle
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Wellbeing is "Physical, mental and social and is affected by an individual’s perceptions, emotions and behaviour as well as their ease of movement and levels of any discomfort" [emphasis added]. They add, Mental health is "fundamental to the wellbeing of individuals, their families and the community as a whole. Wellbeing can be measured by self-assessed health status and the prevalence of psychological distress in the population."
Wellbeing seems to involve bodies, minds, relationships and especially discomfort and stress.
Complex indeed!
Embodied Tools: Play and Respond
Philosophy alone is meaningless without practical tools. We must be able to test our philosophy in action and motion, in the real world. This means we need practical tools to address our Wellbeing:
Embodied Puzzles: developing perceptual skills and emotional-regulation.
Thinking Puzzles: including strategy, planning and memory.
Partner Puzzles: with diverse goals, constraints, roles and partners.
These tools must (1) be interconnected; and (2) change with us.
How will these tools reduce our discomfort and stress? This surface-level question could be deeper: how do we better respond to discomfort and stress? Moving Puzzles helps us understand your habitual responses and help you develop adaptive tools to manage your energy, for we cannot avoid the puzzles of life.
Embrace LIFE as a Moving Puzzle
MOVE WITH CURIOSITY is about playing with our physical bodies, meanwhile our minds are engaging in CREATIVE PUZZLES. Learn more about social games and how we build CONNECTION and COURAGE.
FUN and SILLY we all need
Practice Pieces
- Joints ART - controlled study and sensitivity of our body states. Practical tools to reset your nervous system every day, anywhere, anytime.
- Coordination - 4D body puzzles of learning and memory. Deeper vocabulary of movement qualities for performance and health.
- Improvisation - techniques of self-surprise and spontaneity. Dancing tasks for rehabilitation and self-expression.
- Partner Games - playful constraints that develop our strategic variability. Creative options for relating to people in different situations.
- Object Interaction - creative play with tools and materials. Childlike curiosity that sees novelty and difference in everything, meanwhile you become more adaptive.
- FlowWeaves - principles of Flow, applied to urban and natural movement. Learn to recycle energy whilst passing over obstacles with ease. Move like a human animal.
Mindful Movement for wellbeing using Inspire By FM.
Playful Athleticism using Parkour.

Curious to Explore
Moving Puzzles values curiosity and exploring our world with freedom of action and thinking beyond traditional boundaries.
Become an artisan of life.
Explore unexpected paths.
Discover novel relationships.
Draw maps of your landscape.
Create games for yourself.
Reinvent stale thinking.
Break free of unwritten rules.
Connect deeply.
Wellbeing: a Moving Puzzle
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Wellbeing is "Physical, mental and social and is affected by an individual’s perceptions, emotions and behaviour as well as their ease of movement and levels of any discomfort" [emphasis added]. They add, Mental health is "fundamental to the wellbeing of individuals, their families and the community as a whole. Wellbeing can be measured by self-assessed health status and the prevalence of psychological distress in the population."
Wellbeing seems to involve bodies, minds, relationships and especially discomfort and stress.
Complex indeed!
Embodied Tools: Play and Respond
Philosophy alone is meaningless without practical tools. We must be able to test our philosophy in action and motion, in the real world. This means we need practical tools to address our Wellbeing:
Embodied Puzzles: developing perceptual skills and emotional-regulation.
Thinking Puzzles: including strategy, planning and memory.
Partner Puzzles: with diverse goals, constraints, roles and partners.
These tools must (1) be interconnected; and (2) change with us.
How will these tools reduce our discomfort and stress? This surface-level question could be deeper: how do we better respond to discomfort and stress? Moving Puzzles helps us understand your habitual responses and help you develop adaptive tools to manage your energy, for we cannot avoid the puzzles of life.
Embrace LIFE as a Moving Puzzle
MOVE WITH CURIOSITY is about playing with our physical bodies, meanwhile our minds are engaging in CREATIVE PUZZLES. Learn more about social games and how we build CONNECTION and COURAGE.
FUN and SILLY we all need
Practice Pieces
- Joints ART - controlled study and sensitivity of our body states. Practical tools to reset your nervous system every day, anywhere, anytime.
- Coordination - 4D body puzzles of learning and memory. Deeper vocabulary of movement qualities for performance and health.
- Improvisation - techniques of self-surprise and spontaneity. Dancing tasks for rehabilitation and self-expression.
- Partner Games - playful constraints that develop our strategic variability. Creative options for relating to people in different situations.
- Object Interaction - creative play with tools and materials. Childlike curiosity that sees novelty and difference in everything, meanwhile you become more adaptive.
- FlowWeaves - principles of Flow, applied to urban and natural movement. Learn to recycle energy whilst passing over obstacles with ease. Move like a human animal.
Mindful Movement for wellbeing via Inspire By FM.
Playful Athleticism via FlowWeaves (Parkour).

Sharp Minds Post-Retirement
Strictness becomes Playfulness

Restorative Movement: Walking with Ease

Moving beyond Gymnastics

Exploration of Playful Touch
What people have to say
~ Movement Residency (Alpha Gym)

~ Group MOVE Class member
Contact us
Are you feeling curious?